Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Email Sugestions

Hey guys. How should I reply to this email:
Hello there young grasshopper,
I'm so glad to hear you believe in the shadow; it is the most useful, if most elusive, tool at any ninja's disposal.  Do you know the history of the ninjas and shadow on the island? Club Penguin ninjas and the shadow element are very closely linked; they have a long and mysterious history together. Did you know a moving shadow was the first hint ninjas truly existed on the island? For years, penguins told stories of patiently watching a shadow in a mirror, after what felt like hours of motionless patience, the shadow would move!  Shadows rewarded penguins for their patience, before anyone on the island knew for sure where the ninja might be! As I'm sure you know, the shadow element is integral to the success of a ninja, who must sneak and hide to survive.  While this element is important to the ninja, not even Sensei knows if it will reveal itself as a visible Dojo. If fire and water worked together, would they make tea?  That's not very intimidating, but maybe steam?  Actually, Card-Jitsu Snow has ninjas from all the elements working together to defeat enemies of the island!  You can read a little more about it on the What's New blog, but scroll down for more stories:
Remember, keep to the shadows,

Club Penguin Support

Should  I reply like this:
Dear Club Penguin,
Woah. Sensei doesn't even KNOW? I can't believe it! He's the master of Card-Jitsu! Which reminds me... did you guys know that Sensei was, no IS my favorite penguin person. I've been dreaming of seeing him, friending him! I really really REALLY want to meet him. Do you think that Sensei will come to see me? Cause I will be so happy if I met him! Oh, and with the fire and water working together, I meant to help people. Not like COMBINDING THERE ELEMENTS, cause thats just for the super Card-Jitsu suit, I hope. Like water and fire being friends, while water gives penguins cool water to drink, while fire helps with staying warm, snow can move snow for the camping trip, and shadow can freak out wild polar bears (like Herbert, lol) that try to eat the food! Oh, dazed off there. Well, next time! Bye!
Dark Spyro9 and Prism.

If you want me to do something else, comment it! Oh, and we will continue our story tomorrow. Bye!

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