Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Three

Benjamin Franklin, Louis Braille, and Thomas Edison helped make people’s lives better. For that, they are very famous. They did and invented things that helped make the world a better place.
Benjamin Franklin worked hard to help make life better. He is famous for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He also established the firstadj library, fire department, hospital, and college in America. [6]He lovedv experimenting and inventing. One of his inventions, the lightning rod, is still used to protect airplanes and buildings today like a super hero. He was also the first great inventor besides God becausecl God made everything. He made the Franklin Stove and bifocals. [3]Surprisingly, the Franklin Stove gave twice the heat with less wood. He never patented his inventions. He wanted people to copy and use them. Benjamin Franklin, whow/w diligently-ly worked, made everyone’s lives better.
            Louis Braille, whow/w was blind, wanted and invented a way to read for blind people. He was blinded in an accident when he was three years old. He was as happy as a baby in a land with lollipops in his special school that was in Paris, France. When he was fifteen-years-old he put the alphabet into raisedadj dots like the French Army did so they could read at night becausecl they wouldn’t be able to see. [6]He learned his alphabet quickly-ly. [3]Sadly, the system was bannedv at his school. Five years later in 1829 he published his system. Now blind people everywhere can read because of Louis Braille.
Thomas Edison changed the world for the better with his inventions. [3][6]Surprisingly, he never gave up.  He patented 1,093 of his inventions. His most well-known invention is the electricadj light bulb. He worked on it day and night for five years. He also amazingly-ly improved other inventions becausecl he may have been bored during his spare time like a grounded ten year old kid. He improvedv the telephone, the typewriter, the battery and thousands of other inventions. When 10,000 ways failed in his battery experiments, he told people, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.” Thomas Edison, whow/w improved many people’s lives, is sometimes called “The Wizard of Menlo Park.”

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