This is a Aesop's fable: Once upon a time, a miller and his son were going to sell their donkey and they passed by a group of young women, and one said " That donkey is for riding, not to make you walk!" So the miller put his boy on the donkey and as they passed some old men one said, "That proves my saying! No one cares about old men! Get down lazy boy, and let the old man rest!" So the miller dismounted his son and got on the donkey himself. As they passed a group of children and women, one said, "You terrible man! You ride the donkey while the little lad can barley keep up!" So the miller mounted his son behind him. As they passed a man he cried out, "You load your donkey to much! You should carry the donkey instead of the donkey carrying you!" So they both dismounted and carried the donkey. The people started laughing so much as they crossed the bridge the donkey fell in! They walked home thinking, trying to please others pleases no one.
That was awesome! I don't think I've heard that one before. It's good to figure out who we really should be pleasing the most. If Jesus is #1 there, all the rest will fall into place. :-)