So, i'll tell you the Legend of the Rarest Puffle in Club Penguin: The Silver Puffle. Let's get started. "This legend started as a campfire tale" said the white penguin that had a crown on like his puffle, who was going to tell a story. "Just like this campfire tale!" said the excited pink penguin with a fancy hairdo and shirt, who was really nervous. "Get on with it, Excito1034!" shouted the black penguin with blonde hair and a hoodie. He wanted to hear the story. "Calm down, BitterBite12." the dark green penguin calmly said. She had red hair that was up to her waist, and she wore a recycle shirt. (Remind you of someone?) "Anyways," said Excito1034 "Have you heard of the Blizzard of the..." "BLIZZARD!!!" said Dark Spyro9, or as Bitter called her 'red head.' The pink penguin, Poppy The Moppy, screamed. "EVERYONE! INTO THAT CAVE!" yelled Bitter, and everyone went in the cave. "This is bad. Very bad. What if I never see my puffle again and she will look for me and the she would see my bones and she would die!!! WAAAAAAH!" cried Poppy "Or" said Dark, "you could help us find some firewood." "Anyway" said Excito "The silver puffle lives in this VERY cave!" "What is the silver puffle anyway?" asked Poppy. "It's the rarest, and DANGEROUS, puffle in club penguin! There's only one though." said Excito. "Wait a second, the silver puffle is the rarest, but it wants an owner! It isn't dangerous, it's just lonely!" Dark said. Then they heard a whimper. "The silver puffle" Dark gasped as she picked her up. I'm gonna call you Silver. Then the blizzard stopped and I took Silver home, and thats the end off my tale. Bye!
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