Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Prism's Story

"Yo, what's up? My owner is kinda busy so I'M gonna tell you MY story! Oh, by the way, I'M PRISM! Are you happy to hear about me? Well, let's see if you are. Here's my story. I was hanging out with my rainbuddy, (get it?) Epic, when this weird-looking penguin came. (at least to me) Now, Epic said that she was the penguin for her! So Epic left, BUT, (yes there's a but) I heard that another penguin was coming on Tuesday.  Days pass and I'm hanging out with my other rainbuddies when I realize it's TUESDAY. I see the rainbow-cannon thingy fire and then SHE showed up. My friends said she was weird but she's PERFECT. I went up to her when she sat on a stump and thats my story... my EPIC STORY!"

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