Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Puffle Profile!

Name: Summer
Species: Yellow Puffle
Age: One Year Old (puffle years)
Adopter: N/A
Best Friend Forever: Prism
Frenemies: Dancer, Pinky
Crush: Jay
Bio: Summer was born in a little cave, high up on a mountain. When she first came out of her little cave home, she saw Prism, watching her. Summer was -and is- a very curious little puffle. So, she went back inside, and drew a picture. It wasn't a very good one, (she wasn't inspired yet) but she showed Prism anyway. Prism slid down on a cloud. She looked at the picture, took it, put it next to her rear, and farted. Summer was horrified, until Prism showed her the sparkly rainbow puffle next to the shiny yellow puffle. Summer gasped, and they were best friends ever since.
Quote (Puffle Language): "It's sooooo inspiring!"

Yes, guys. Rainbow Puffles fart sparkles. And Prism is really funny. Lol, I like Summer's quote. She's always inspired. Bye guys!

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