Wednesday, December 5, 2012


This is Summer, go for it! "Ummm... hi?" Cynder: "HAHAHA!" Cynder, be queit! Go on Summer. "I'm... Summer. This is my story. So, I some puffle named Cynder was talking to me, and I was painting her portrait. Then she said 'Are you listening to me?' I said yes and showed her the portrait. Uh... she said 'Doll, I have never seen anything as ugly as that in the world!' Sniff, she hurt my feelings, and then The next day I ran outside of puffle school and I saw Pure and I ran to class and THEN I GOT PICKED! But when I got there Cynder, Jay, Pure, Smarty, Pinky and Exetreme waved at me. So now I paint surfboards!" Thats all!


  1. A golden puffle! She's just like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day!

    1. "Thank you! I love complements! I've never gotten one before."
