Monday, November 26, 2012


Hey, i'm back! Those of you who think minecraft is boring you are wrong! It's fun and I finally know what the heck it is! How was your thanksgiving? Mine was great. So, first picture we have is a black sheep. If you click them while holding a egg then they have babies! Next we have a guy holding a diamond pickaxe... can you tell that the dog next to him is really a wolf? I'm talking about Xbox360 version. Its a super fun game. (Make sure that the egg is a sheep egg just in case you get confused) So, any suggestions for what I should write next? Please put them in the comments below. Also, O.B. looks amazing. It's awesome, get on club penguin soon because it ends December 4. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute honey. Why don't you write about your thanksgiving tomo?
