Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ok, Mabye Tomarrow

I'm sorry, my I-touch finished updating and my mom said i'm STILL going to talk about Halloween. Ok, so we went trick or treating, we got some candy, my feet hurt almost the entire time, we went trick or treating with Morgan Scotts and Katerina Laughlin and their moms. We played elfs even though I was Snow White and when we got back Kat had to go and we played vampire vs mutant vs were cat vs hybrid. And when Morgan left we went to bed. And we WERE FORCED to go into one of my friend's dad's HAUNTED HOUSE because Morgan went then Nova and then Kat stepped on a platform to make this creepy guy talk so I stepped around it so he wouldn't talk again but my dad stepped on it so he talked then we went into the HAUNTED HOUSE and the first thing (i've been in here before so, yeah I didn't look at them this time) we saw was a girl zombie and someone (Kat or my dad) stepped another platform thingy and her head twisted round and round and weird music played. And the second one creeped me out cause Morgan and Kat stepped on another platform and then... A CREEPY ZOMBIE POPPED UP MAKING ALL THE GIRLS SCREAM! EVEN ME! Then the third one was a girl eating brains and it was sooooooo gross even though I like vampires and wolfs and puffles I hate zombies.


  1. Better post some puffles and plants to guard the house against the zombies. Maybe the plants can shoot the puffles at the zombies, and then the puffles can eat the brains of the zombies. Oh wait, the zombies don't have brains of their own; they have other people's brains. That would mean the puffles would be eating the brains of some poor innocent victim, like a girl who got trapped in the haunted house. Maybe that's not such a good idea. I'll just get a flame thrower and we'll fix the whole mess of zombies in one shot. Have a great zombie-free day baby. :-)

  2. Hey check out my new profile photo. It's super awesome.
